CakePHP, Lining up radio buttons horizontal rather than vertical.

I have been looking at the cookbook - 7.3.3 Automagic Form Elements trying to find a way for radio buttons to line up horizontally rather than vertical. I have been looking at the 'div' => 'class_name' $options also the "$options[‘between’], $options[‘separator’] and $options[‘after’]" but have been unsuccessful. Is there a "cake" way of doing this?

<?=$form->input('Product Type', array(
     'type' => 'radio',
     'id' => $tire['ProductType']['id'],
     'name' => $tire['ProductType']['id'],
     'options' => array(2=>'Tire Manufacturer', 7=>'Rim Manufacturer '),


The of equivalent this

Tire Manufacturer    Rim Manufacturer