Cakephp saveAll() Fatal error: Call to a member function getColumnType()

So I am creating a form builder. Users will login and then fillout the forms that Admins have created. I am using saveAll() in my "data_controller" "add" method.

This works fine and and looks like this:

//debug($this->data); prints the following
//app/controllers/data_controller.php (line 21)

    [Datum] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [bool_val] => 1
                    [field_id] => 56
                    [form_id] => 208
                    [user_id] => 1

            [1] => Array
                    [bool_val] => 0
                    [field_id] => 64
                    [form_id] => 208
                    [user_id] => 1


// data_controller.php
// the  add method is like this
  function add() {
    if (!empty($this->data) ) {
      if ($this->Datum->saveAll($this->data['Datum'])) {
        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum has been saved', true));
      } else {
        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum could not be saved. Please, try again.', true));
    $forms = $this->Datum->Form->find('list');
    $fields = $this->Datum->Field->find('list');
    $users = $this->Datum->User->find('list');
    $statuses = $this->Datum->Status->find('list');
    $this->set(compact('forms', 'fields', 'users', 'statuses'));

So that works fine and creates a series of new entries in the "data" table of my MySQL database. My error comes when I try to use "saveAll()" in my "edit" method. I have googled and googled and googled with no luck. All of the articles say that my data structure should be correct, or that is how I am understanding them.

So here is my view. It loops through to output checkboxes and other form elements but we will just look at a simple check box only example.

switch ($field['Type']['name']) {

  case "check box" :
    echo "

"; echo $form->label($field['FieldName'][0]['name']); echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.id', array('value' => $field_datum['id'])); echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.form_id', array('value' => $formID)); echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.field_id', array('value' => $field['id'])); echo $form->hidden('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.user_id', array('value' => $userID)); $booly = ($field_datum['bool_val'] == 0) ? false : true; $options = array('checked' => $booly); echo $form->checkbox('Datum.'.$field_datum['id'].'.bool_val', $options); echo "

"; break;

My view will output the following HTML to the browser.

So then when I submit the form I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getColumnType() on a non-object in /cake/libs/model/model.php on line 949

The data I am passing and my controller method look like this:

    //debug($this->data['Datum']); prints the following
    app/controllers/data_controller.php (line 39)

        [164] => Array
                [id] => 164
                [form_id] => 208
                [field_id] => 56
                [user_id] => 1
                [bool_val] => 1

        [165] => Array
                [id] => 165
                [form_id] => 208
                [field_id] => 64
                [user_id] => 1
                [bool_val] => 1



  function edit($formid = null) {
    if (!empty($this->data) ) {
      if ($this->Datum->saveAll($this->data['Datum'])) {
        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum has been saved', true));
        $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'forms', 'action'=>'index'));
      } else {
        $this->Session->setFlash(__('The Datum could not be saved. Please, try again.', true));
        $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'forms', 'action'=>'view', 'id' => '$formid'));

Any help that you can give would be much appreciated I have done tons of searching and not found the correct answer. Sorry if this post is a bit long winded.


In case you need to look at my model or my table structure.

// a basic model nothing unusual here 
class Datum extends AppModel { 
  var $name = 'Datum'; 

  var $belongsTo = array( 
    'Form' => array( 
      'className' => 'Form', 
      'foreignKey' => 'form_id', 
      'conditions' => '', 
      'fields' => '', 
      'order' => '' 
    'Field' => array( 
      'className' => 'Field', 
      'foreignKey' => 'field_id', 
      'conditions' => '', 
      'fields' => '', 
      'order' => '' 
    'User' => array( 
      'className' => 'User', 
      'foreignKey' => 'user_id', 
      'conditions' => '', 
      'fields' => '', 
      'order' => '' 
    'Status' => array( 
      'className' => 'Status', 
      'foreignKey' => 'status_id', 
      'conditions' => '', 
      'fields' => '', 
      'order' => '' 

//this is from my latest schema snapshot 
  var $data = array( 
    'id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => false, 'default' => 
NULL, 'key' => 'primary'), 
    'form_id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> NULL), 
    'field_id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> NULL), 
    'user_id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> NULL), 
    'status_id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'null' => true, 
'default' => NULL), 
    'value' => array('type' => 'text', 'null' => true, 'default' => 
    'file_path' => array('type' => 'string', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> NULL), 
    'bool_val' => array('type' => 'boolean', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> '0'),     // I am using MySQL so this is a tinyint(1) 
    'created' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 'default' 
=> NULL), 
    'modified' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'null' => true, 
'default' => NULL), 
    'indexes' => array('PRIMARY' => array('column' => 'id', 'unique' 
=> 1)) 


So I did as one Poster suggested and this is what I got when putting "debug($model);" on cake/libs/model/model.php (line 949):

cake/libs/model/model.php (line 949)

data //this being what debug() returns

Fatal error: Call to a member function getColumnType() on a non-object in /cake/libs/model/model.php on line 950

I might see what is wrong my model name is Datum or datum.php not data I have no obvious solution in my head, this is a bit deep in Cake for me. Any Suggestions?

I just took a look at my "view" method with the same debug statement and it outputs "Datum" and not "data" like I get from my "edit" method. Just in case that is helpful to anyone.