CakePHP: Shared Hosting Dilemma

I'm having trouble with uploading my cakePHP project on a shared hosting ( from hostgator ).
Here is what I have done:
I've organized my cake distribution like this:

  • home/user/app
  • home/user/cake/cake
  • home/user/cake/vendors
  • home/user/cake/.htaccess
  • home/user/cake/index.php

    I have taken the content of webroot directory from app and put it in

    • home/user/public_html

    I've modified this file home/user/public_html/index.php ( the one that was in app/webroot )
    changing these lines like this:

    • define('ROOT', DS.'home'.DS.'user');
    • define('APP_DIR', 'app');
    • define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS.'home'.DS.'user'.DS.'cake');

    And that's about it.


    I have managed to deal with all the problems involved in the default index.php cakePHP page and I have a green and fully functional so to say, project. So when I access my "/", I get:

    "Your tmp directory is writable.

    The FileEngine is being used for caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php

    Your database configuration file is present.

    Cake is able to connect to the database."

    Now, I've created a model-view-controller with a mysql database background (like in the 15 min Blog Tutorial ), but when I'm trying to access some views ( e.g. /posts ) gives me a blank page ( this worked perfect on my local machine virtual server apache ).

    What configuration am I missing ?

    Thank you.

EDIT: Apparently I had problems with the hosting. My URL was something like:

and all I had to do was add an extra line in the webroot .htaccess:

RewriteBase /~username/

Thanks for the support.