CakePHP Bake Problems

There’s no doubt that CakePHP’s bake console makes the initial stages of your website extremely easy and simple, but a lot of users run into some common errors when trying to get CLI working.
From what I’ve seen the most common error is this:
php’ is not recognized as an internal or external command
.. or
cake’ is not recognized as an internal or external command
Which means your command prompt can’t find your .bat files, heres the solution for this problem
1. Go to My Computer properties
2. Click advanced tab
3. Click environmental variables
4. Edit “path” under system variables with the paths to the php and cake console folders
Example: C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.9-2;C:\wamp\www\cake\cake\console;
NOTE: You will have to change the paths to match yours, also make sure you have ; seperating each path.